About being an Anglican Christian.

I was a baptist up until college when I found the Anglican Church in North America. I notice the historic teachings of the early church and fell in love with the liturgy. I realized having communion was super important to me and I loved having it every week. We are both protestant yet Catholic as we have parts of both sides of the Christian church. Their are national churches within the communion that are headed by either an Archbishop or a Presiding Bishop (the primate of the Church). Everything about Anglicanism I love and have grown so much their, truly I was called to this Church, my permanent denominational home. The Book of Common Prayer with reading plans greatly helps us learn more about God and have consistency by having everyone read through the whole Word. The prayer book is a symphony of scripture and an effective system that not only shapes our hearts but also our minds after God's Word, as his word is a lamp unto our feet. Anglicanism upholds the early creeds, councils, orders of ministry (priest, deacon, and bishops), the early Church Fathers, the apostolic traditions (handed down by the apostles) and the early apostolic Church. Below are some good videos that describe and explain about Anglican Christianity


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