About this blog

Hello everyone I am a college Christian who loves the Lord and has a passion given to him by God to teach others about his Word and the Good News. I have others blogs but this blog is different from the others. This blog was made with the concept of taking at least 30 minutes to an hour a day (of course more is better) to just sit down and take a coffee break with God (or soda or a snack you like will work if you are not a fan of coffee). When having this break in the day read your bible, pray, just sit an meditate on God's word, listen to praise or worship music, or do something else that helps you with you walk with God I think sometimes we like to make excuses for ourselves, but really their are no excuses. So since we can all take at least 30 minutes to watch TV or eat a meal, we can all take time for God, since he is most important.

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